
Connecting your business

Choose your local 0113 332 number

Top 0113 332 numbers - mouseover for prices - click one to purchase!


Standard phone numbers


A bit more memorable


Very memorable numbers


Our exclusive top range

0113 332 0064 0113 332 0064 - Standard
Set up fee: Free (annual plan) or £10 (monthly plan)
Rental: £50 per year or £6 per month

0113 332 0015 0113 332 0015 - Silver
Set up fee: £50
Rental: £50 per year or £6 per month

0113 332 0002 0113 332 0002 - Gold
Set up fee: £150
Rental: £75 per year or £9 per month

0113 332 1000 0113 332 1000 - Platinum
Set up fee: £225
Rental: £150 per year or £15 per month

0113 332 0069 0113 332 0069 - Standard
Set up fee: Free (annual plan) or £10 (monthly plan)
Rental: £50 per year or £6 per month

0113 332 0025 0113 332 0025 - Silver
Set up fee: £50
Rental: £50 per year or £6 per month

0113 332 0003 0113 332 0003 - Gold
Set up fee: £150
Rental: £75 per year or £9 per month

0113 332 1321 0113 332 1321 - Platinum
Set up fee: £225
Rental: £150 per year or £15 per month

0113 332 0071 0113 332 0071 - Standard
Set up fee: Free (annual plan) or £10 (monthly plan)
Rental: £50 per year or £6 per month

0113 332 0035 0113 332 0035 - Silver
Set up fee: £50
Rental: £50 per year or £6 per month

0113 332 0006 0113 332 0006 - Gold
Set up fee: £150
Rental: £75 per year or £9 per month

0113 332 1990 0113 332 1990 - Platinum
Set up fee: £225
Rental: £150 per year or £15 per month

0113 332 0072 0113 332 0072 - Standard
Set up fee: Free (annual plan) or £10 (monthly plan)
Rental: £50 per year or £6 per month

0113 332 0065 0113 332 0065 - Silver
Set up fee: £50
Rental: £50 per year or £6 per month

0113 332 0007 0113 332 0007 - Gold
Set up fee: £150
Rental: £75 per year or £9 per month

0113 332 1991 0113 332 1991 - Platinum
Set up fee: £225
Rental: £150 per year or £15 per month

0113 332 0073 0113 332 0073 - Standard
Set up fee: Free (annual plan) or £10 (monthly plan)
Rental: £50 per year or £6 per month

0113 332 0075 0113 332 0075 - Silver
Set up fee: £50
Rental: £50 per year or £6 per month

0113 332 0008 0113 332 0008 - Gold
Set up fee: £150
Rental: £75 per year or £9 per month

0113 332 1992 0113 332 1992 - Platinum
Set up fee: £225
Rental: £150 per year or £15 per month

0113 332 0074 0113 332 0074 - Standard
Set up fee: Free (annual plan) or £10 (monthly plan)
Rental: £50 per year or £6 per month

0113 332 0085 0113 332 0085 - Silver
Set up fee: £50
Rental: £50 per year or £6 per month

0113 332 0009 0113 332 0009 - Gold
Set up fee: £150
Rental: £75 per year or £9 per month

0113 332 1993 0113 332 1993 - Platinum
Set up fee: £225
Rental: £150 per year or £15 per month

0113 332 0081 0113 332 0081 - Standard
Set up fee: Free (annual plan) or £10 (monthly plan)
Rental: £50 per year or £6 per month

0113 332 0102 0113 332 0102 - Silver
Set up fee: £50
Rental: £50 per year or £6 per month

0113 332 0011 0113 332 0011 - Gold
Set up fee: £150
Rental: £75 per year or £9 per month

0113 332 1994 0113 332 1994 - Platinum
Set up fee: £225
Rental: £150 per year or £15 per month

0113 332 0082 0113 332 0082 - Standard
Set up fee: Free (annual plan) or £10 (monthly plan)
Rental: £50 per year or £6 per month

0113 332 0105 0113 332 0105 - Silver
Set up fee: £50
Rental: £50 per year or £6 per month

0113 332 0020 0113 332 0020 - Gold
Set up fee: £150
Rental: £75 per year or £9 per month

0113 332 1995 0113 332 1995 - Platinum
Set up fee: £225
Rental: £150 per year or £15 per month

0113 332 0083 0113 332 0083 - Standard
Set up fee: Free (annual plan) or £10 (monthly plan)
Rental: £50 per year or £6 per month

0113 332 0112 0113 332 0112 - Silver
Set up fee: £50
Rental: £50 per year or £6 per month

0113 332 0022 0113 332 0022 - Gold
Set up fee: £150
Rental: £75 per year or £9 per month

0113 332 1996 0113 332 1996 - Platinum
Set up fee: £225
Rental: £150 per year or £15 per month

0113 332 0084 0113 332 0084 - Standard
Set up fee: Free (annual plan) or £10 (monthly plan)
Rental: £50 per year or £6 per month

0113 332 0114 0113 332 0114 - Silver
Set up fee: £50
Rental: £50 per year or £6 per month

0113 332 0030 0113 332 0030 - Gold
Set up fee: £150
Rental: £75 per year or £9 per month

0113 332 1997 0113 332 1997 - Platinum
Set up fee: £225
Rental: £150 per year or £15 per month

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Call costs, pence per minute

Peak 8am-6pm 1.75
Off Peak 1.75
Weekend 1.75
These costs are what you will be charged per minute to receive calls routed via one of these numbers. Note calls are billed per second, so 3 x 20 second calls will only charge one minute of usage.

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